Saturday, March 8, 2008

Blueberry Ginger Ratafias

Not the most original name for this, as I am not much of a one for clever puns, but it is at least descriptive. Simple as this is, it is astonishingly good. One takes ratafia biscuits (cheaper and less subtly flavoured than amaretti, but feel free to substitute if you like), blueberries, sticky stem ginger syrup and cream and ends up with a fabulous combination of contrasting textures and tastes. I give only very rough amounts as it really depends on the size and proportions of the glass, but basically you want approximately equal quantities (by volume) of blueberries and crushed biscuits.

For one approximately 300ml capacity glass:
  • 1 small handful of ratafia biscuits - approx. 7
  • 1 small handful of blueberries
  • 2 teaspoons syrup from a jar of crystallized ginger
  • Up to 1/2 a ball of the crystallized ginger, finely chopped (optional)
  • 3 tablespoons of cream

  • Roughly crush two thirds of the ratafias in to the bottom of a glass. Add the blueberries, mixed with the crystallized ginger if using, then add the remainder of the broken biscuits. Drizzle over the ginger syrup, followed by the cream. And that's it - enjoy!